Happy New Year! It’s Going to Be a Wild Ride

Well, here we are, 2025. I hope everyone who welcomed the new year is not suffering from delayed reactions from too much celebrating and that you had a good time with friends and family. Also, I hope your Christmas or Hanaka was joyous for you and your family. From a personal perspective, this New Year is one I am feeling very apprehensive about, considering what I believe we will be facing.

What took place in New Orleans is not a good sign, as is the Tesla truck that blew up in front of the Trump Hotel in Vegas, which is very concerning. I must be honest: when I saw the vehicle and where it was, I thought Lucifer and Maziakeen were visiting Trump. There is no doubt in my mind Trump made a pack with Lucifer as he, that is, Trump, hasn’t finished ruining the country for Lucifer. With Trump back in the White House, we can count disorder, disarray, and destruction, which seem to follow him wherever he goes.

What will be extremely interesting is watching Musk and Ramaswamay trying to outdo each other’s outlandish promises and crazy manipulation of the House and Senate as they attempt to make their fake department, DOGE, seem like it’s real. I mean the Department Of Government Efficiency, a typical high-tech gobblygook. I spent twenty-five years in high-tech, and I can tell you from experience that the one thing folks in high technology are good at is coming up with titles for projects that sound great, promise everything, and usually deliver very little. Some things will get done, but there are far more failures than wins. My advice is to stock up on popcorn. You’ll need it because there will be a lot of House and Senate hearings when things start falling apart because of DOGE.

There is a significant misconception we as citizens have about government. It is a government that should run like a business. And you, as a citizen, do not want that. I know you think you do, but you do not want the US government to run like a business. If it did, you would not have the things you do today. I am not saying our government couldn’t be more effective and efficient if it embraced some of the available new technology. But that is not the government’s principal goal. Consider the following from a December 3 Harvard Business Review article by Karthik Ramanna entitled Governments Should Be Effective, Not Efficient;

“To be successful in business, you create value, and you capture its gains; to be successful in government, you create value, and you leave its gains behind for others.

In fact, the kinds of value you create in business are shaped by what you can capture, and this observation naturally limits the problems businesses choose to solve. For instance, CEOs of for-profit companies often balk at funding basic research that is unpatentable. By contrast, in government, the nature of the value you create is limited only by what you can imagine. Problem-solving in government is vastly less bounded and thus can be vastly more satisfying, intellectually and emotionally. The essence of government is, after all, serving others.”

Two points to remember:

First, for-profit company CEOs often balk at funding unpatentable basic research. A for-profit organization makes investments based on the return on its investment.

Second, the government is there for the people and is responsible for providing services for the people, which doesn’t necessarily translate into doing things cheaply. Federal, state, and local governments are responsible for protecting their citizens as best they can, so there are the military, police, and firefighters. These services are not profit-making entities despite individuals who wrongly think they are.

I am willing to wager DODGE will find no waste fraud in any of the businesses owned by these high-tech necromancers Musk and Ramaswamy; instead, they will be making the rounds to all the right people on the appropriation committee with their 22-karat gruel bowls holding them out and laughingly saying sir, may I have some more, please.’ Their greed is utterly insatiable.

It is disturbing that there is an utter lack of engagement by the American public and their unfathomable willingness to accept all the lies that Trump is spewing about what he is going to do to fix the mess he is claiming Biden’s administration created is leaving for him. If you call an economy that is running at full tilt with robust job growth and failing and claim that immigrants are taking Black jobs, essentially everything is or has fallen apart under the Biden administration. Then, claim that you will fix everything on day one of your administration. Well, if you take time to read unbiased news accounts, check the US Bureau of Labor Jobs report, and check and compare various sources, you draw sound, reasonable conclusions, and you are what is known as an informed individual.

Less we forget, Biden took the reins of office, and we were still in the throes of COVID. The vaccine was having a successful impact on quelling this deadly virus. But it took time for the country to recover and feel comfortable. Things were starting to return to a level of normalcy. However, some were not satisfied with what the new administration was doing, particularly those who supported the insurrection and refused to acknowledge the country’s progress under Biden for reasons only Lucifer understands.

In his usual style, Convicted Felon Trump is going to wreak havoc on the country. He laid the groundwork during his first failed administration. He intends to complete what he started now that most United States citizens made a tragic mistake by electing him again. Lucifer and Mazikeen left a calling card at one of his hotels to remind him of the terms of his contract and that what’s left of his soul belongs to them. When the time comes, they intend to collect fully.

As for the rest of us, we’re going to have to handle this New Year as best we can, knowing that Trump and his fucking minions are going to make things utterly horrendous for those of us who genuinely believe in the concept, ‘for the people by the people.’

It is going to be a rough road for us as we watch the Supreme Court and the Republicans in the House and Senate systematically continue to dismantle Civil Rights and move the country more toward totalitarian governance.

Our form of representative governance has weathered and survived many severe tests and managed to get through them all. But what we are about to face at 12:01 January 20, 2025, obstinacy will be the most challenging. This time, they have a unified plan and a playbook — Project 2025, along with a cadre of supporters from the Heritage Foundation at Trump’s beckon, ready, willing, and more than happy to replace the representative democracy with an autocratic oligarchy with Trump as their version of Victor Orbán at its head.

The following quote is appropriate for what we will be in for over the next four years.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way — in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.” — A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens.

Yes, our times have the makings of the Dickens classic Tale of Two Cities events. With Biden, we have experienced good economic times by all reasonable economic indicators, but people don’t seem to believe it, let alone accept the truth. Instead, they have chosen to believe our economy is teetering on the brink of collapse because Lucifer’s lap boy, Trump, is lying and saying it’s awful, along with the Fox propaganda machine that repeats his lies and half-truths as being credible, proving an old axiom, tell a lie often enough people will eventually accept as being valid. I find this funny since many of these Republicans reaver Regan but fail to heed his advice of ‘trust, but verify.’ How and why is that possible?

It has become possible because many in the country have become lazy and obsessed with the wrong issues, such as Critical Race Theory Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Book banning, Transgender bathrooms, Hunter Biden and his laptop. None of these so-called issues have anything to do with government. But, according to Fox News, OAN, right-wing loudmouths like Jesse Waters of Fox, Lying Ted Cruse on his podcast. Then there is Steve Bannon spewing his lies and effectively advocating for authoritarianism to replace representative democracy; this a man who swore an oath to ‘preserve and protect the country’ when he was a Naval officer.

Does the following sound like anyone you know?

“From the start, authoritarians stand out from other kinds of politicians by appealing to negative experiences and emotions. They don the cloak of national victimhood, reliving the humiliations of their people by foreign powers as they proclaim themselves their nation’s saviors. Picking up on powerful resentments, hopes, and fears, they present themselves as the vehicle for obtaining what is most wanted, whether it is territory, safety from racial others, securing male authority, or payback for exploitation by internal or external enemies.”- Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present (p. 9).

So, if you plan on watching Trump’s second inauguration on January 20, 2025, ask yourself a simple question, ‘How the hell did this convicted felon get elected again, and what kind of government will we get with him back in the office and his perchance for wanting to exact vengeance on all those whom he feels wronged him?’

Lucifer and Mazikeen will be delighted. Will you? 

Happy New Year. It’s going to be a wild one.