If you are mystified that Georgia citizens believe Herschel Walker has what it takes to be a United States Senator, you’re not alone, especially when you consider the following:
“If we was ready for the green agenda, I’d raise my hand right now. But we’re not ready right now. So don’t let them fool you like this is a new agenda. This is not a new agenda. We’re not prepared. We’re not ready right now.
What we need to do is keep having those gas-guzzling cars, ’cause we got the good emissions under those cars. We’re doing the best thing that we can.””
Herschel’s rambling disquisitions are getting increasingly ridiculous and providing positive evidence that this man is far too stupid to be elected. Considering the nonsense he was spewing about Vampires and Werewolves, along with his ramblings on gas-guzzling cars, one wonders, how in the world did 1.9 million Georgians vote for this man? In an interview, he invokes the preamble of the Constitution in an attempt to make a point. Those who watched that interview might conclude Walker knew what he was talking about, but he didn’t.
Herschel fails to fully understand what the preamble is actually saying. Roland does an excellent job of schooling Walker on how the preamble of the Constitution lays out the government’s formation out here.
Hopefully, the people of Georgia won’t make Alabama’s mistake. They elected Tommy Tuberville over Doug Jones, a White version of Herschel Walker and equally stupid. He said the following when asked by a reporter about some legislation he voted on:
“Our government wasn’t set up for one group to have all three branches of government — wasn’t set up that way,” Tuberville continued, saying incorrectly: “You know, the House, the Senate, and the executive.”
Walker and Tuberville’s obvious lack of knowledge on how our government works are prima facie cases for the reinstatement of mandatory civics classes in all the high schools in the US. Because we are witnessing what Hamilton wrote in Federalist 1
History teaches us that of the men who have overturned the liberties of republics, most began their career by proclaiming their devotion to the people. They gain position by arousing people’s prejudices and end as tyrants.
Candidates such as Walker and Tuberville are intent on destroying the republic and replacing it with their version of what Timothy Snyder writes about in his book, On Tyranny:
“The mistake is to assume that rulers who came to power through institutions cannot change and destroy those very institutions — even when that is exactly what they have announced that they will do.”
Simply put, should Walker win, he will do what Hamilton and Snyder write about: destroy the institutions they claim to support.
Our version of a democratic republic is not cast in concrete. For it to work, we need to vote for people who have the intellectual capacity that allows them to understand how the government functions. Herschel Walker lacks this ability, as shown in this video. As one of the viewers said, “this s**** is embarrassing as hell.”
On December 6, Georgians will again go to the polls in the runoff between Walker and Warnock. A Walker win will put the country on the “certain road to the introduction of despotism,” as Hamilton wrote in Federalist 1.
The possibility Walker could win this runoff is bothersome enough, but the more foreboding aspect of that possibility centers around the issue most people are overlooking. The freedoms our form of democracy has provided us for the past 240 years are in jeopardy, as January 6 showed.
When Franklin uttered the now-famous saying, “a republic if you can keep it,” he understood what it would take to protect and preserve the newly formed government he and the other delegates had just created.
This new republic, with its freshly written Constitution, was something that was never done. The world he and his fellow delegates grew up in was ruled by Kings and queens who had absolute power and ruled absolutely.
What was set afoot by these thirty-eight signers was the establishment of a new form of governance. One where the people had the ultimate power, and the people elected the members of the house and senate and who would be the president.
When those thirty-eight delegates signed their names to the Constitution, they set in motion a form of governance that went much further than Greek democracy or Roman republicism. With the signing of the Constitution in 1787, a constitutional republic governed by a representative democratic process was created.
What took place in Philadelphia was the birthing of a new form of governance and a process where the country’s people would have a say by casting their votes. Franklin had doubts about what he and his fellow delegates had created. In his speech for the ratification of the Constitution, he said the following:
“I agree to the Constitution with all its faults, if they are such, because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well administered; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a Course of Years, and can only end in the Despotism of other forms have done before it when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, and become incapable of any other.”
The insurrection Trump incited on January 6, 2021, came very close to dismantling our democracy and replacing it with despotism. Trump and his minions were thwarted in his effort to be the country’s first dictator. For the moment, Trump’s efforts have been stalled. But it hasn’t stopped him from trying to get back in power. He is doing what other failed would-be dictators have done and is trying to rule by proxy.
He endorsed a slate of candidates in the states he lost to Biden with the idea once they were elected, they would nullify the electoral count vote and return him to the presidency. His selected candidates lost in the states he needed, but in Georgia, where he openly committed election interference by asking the secretary of state to find him, “11,780 votes, one more than he needed,” remains a toss-up.
Georgians have a choice. They can re-elect Warnock, who, during his two years, has accomplished much for the state of Georgia. Or replace him with Walker. Who, up to this point, has demonstrated he is a complete buffoon without knowledge or understanding of what it takes to be a US Senator and will take his marching orders from Trump.
The citizens of Georgia have a choice; they can vote for Raphael Warnock, who equals competence, or Herschel Walker, who equals unmitigated ignorance.