Nikki Haley Will Never Sit Behind The Resolute Desk!

Haley paced back and forth nervously when presented with the question, “What was the cause of the civil war.” Her nervous pacing was a tell she was about to give an unorthodox answer to the question the New Hampshire independent voter put to her. “I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how … Read more

Liz Cheney Heroine Or Villan?

Rachel Maddow is one of MSNBC’s highly respected commentators known for her insightful questions, detailed analysis, and overall professionalism, and she displayed this when she interviewed Liz Cheney, co-chair of the January 6th committee. Her interview with Cheney was professional and insightful, and even though Madow and Cheney are opposites in their political views and … Read more

Fear Of Nine-Year-Old Black Girl.

white painted house near green leafed trees

We are living in a world that has gone completely bonkers. How else can you explain what happened to a nine-year-old Black girl who was doing something good for her neighborhood only to have the police called on her because some old Geezer saw “A little black woman walking and spraying something on the trees … Read more

Affirmative Action, DEI, Voting Rights, They Want It All!

In his concurrence on Students For Fair Admissions, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote, “In the wake of the Civil War, the country focused on restoring the Union and establishing the legal status of newly freed slaves.” Interesting phrasing by Thomas. It suggests he is about to write something profound, enlightening, and constructive on the Students For … Read more

Music Emblematic of Our Times. Past, Present, & Future!

The understanding of art depends finally upon one’s willingness to extend one’s humanity and one’s knowledge of human life. — Ralph Ellison This article is not one I had planned to write, but I think the music I have playing in the background sets the mood. Music from my teen years. The Ronnettes, Temptations, Marven … Read more

Racism Is Strong in the US, And Tim Scott Is Lying About It.

The freedmen were not really free in 1865, nor are most of their descendants really free in 1965. Slavery was but one aspect of a race and color problem that is still far from solution here, or anywhere. In America, particularly, the grapes of wrath have not yet yielded their bitter vintage. — The Oxford History of the American People [1965], ch.1