You Only See My Skin Color!

You pass out our history papers, you place mine on my desk, and in big, bold red letters, I read, ‘nice job, good insight.’ My smile turns to a frown when I see the grade B+. I compared my paper to a classmate, she received an A+ for only writing half of what I wrote, … Read more

SJC Position Open: Black Women Need Not Apply!

Senators John Kennedy and Ted Cruz Believe Black Women Don’t Have What It Takes to Be a Supreme Court Justice When President Biden announced he would appoint a Black female to replace retiring Justice Bryer, his announcement was hailed by many and condemned by others. Those leaning toward the progressive side said it’s about time, … Read more

The Commission on The Insurrection Must Go Forward.

Jennifer Rubin’s piece Republicans’ real beef with the Jan 6th commission set me off. It seems both Mitch McConnell and Ron Johnson have a problem with the whole concept of this commission. Neither of them wishes to address the real problems. Trump’s** insurrection. The uptick of White supremacy and the associated violence which accompanies it. … Read more